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Rightech IoT Cloud Release 2.0

We are pleased to introduce Rightech IoT Cloud public (RIC public) – the first official release of our public IoT platform.

Since the creation of the platform in 2016, we have continuously developed and improved it. The versatility, stability, and security of the solution made it possible to use it as a foundation for large-scale projects in the first year of its existence.

Long way

RIC has passed a long way, and we think it’s time to release the first public version. We strive to lower the threshold for entering the IoT and open access to the platform to everyone. Now you can realize your bold ideas using our IoT technologies.

On our website you can learn more about the capabilities of RIC, as well as familiarize yourself with already implemented projects. For those who want to immediately explore the capabilities of the platform – a link for registration,  documentation, and tutorials.

We will be glad to see you in our Telegram-channel – there you can follow the news. Also go to the Telegram-chat, where you can meet like-minded people and get answers to questions. And of course Github. We’re going to fill it with new instructions, examples, tips.

Create IoT with us! Just Do IoT!

Release description

This release is not only the introduction of users to the RIC platform, but also the introduction of the platform to its users.

Our efforts were aimed at launching a full public version of RIC. We sought to provide stable services and give the user the opportunity to evaluate the basic tools of the platform.

List of basic tools available to users:

Model editor


The control object model – is a formalized representation of the devices necessary to organize the data presentation and create a set of commands controlling the control object. Models are used for data normalization, construction of automation scenarios, processing of telemetry data about an object, etc. A model is mandatory for each object.



The logic tool contains an automation layer that allows you to raise the level of abstraction from the level of models and elementary components of the device to the level of business processes. The concept of this layer is based on the idea of representing any process in the form of a flowchart containing states and transitions between them, according to the principle of finite-state automatons.



The handlers tool can satisfy the need for data conversion and post-processing. The handler is a source code written in the JavaScript programming language version ES6, with the help of which the algorithm embedded in it is implemented.

Geo zones


Geo zones are limited areas or lines (routes) on the geographic map of the Earth. Geo zones allow you to track the movement of objects within the geographic area, and process events of entry and exit from it, deviations from the route, etc.

Free-tariff of the platform

Registration in the platform is free. Right now you can try to implement your iot-idea. At the moment, one tariff is available – “Basic”. In the next releases we will supplement the list of available tariffs.

The “Basic” tariff allows you to use the full toolkit within the established restrictions on the main entities.

Type of restrictionValue
Number of objects2
Maximum packet size (bytes)130
Packages per day of one object288
The number of automatons running at the facility1
The number of handlers running on the object1
Storage Size (MB)10

Please contact us on sales@rightech.io to expand your tariff.

Announcement of future changes

This release is the starting point for the development of the public version of Rightech IoT Cloud.

In future updates, we plan to expand and upgrade the platform toolkit, so we will be glad to receive your feedback. Your feedback will help in creating the most convenient tool for the IoT community, because for the implementation of ambitious plans, an “outside view” is always necessary.

For fixing your suggestions, comments, and bugs, use github or group in Telegram. We will be reporting on new features and changes in the platform. Follow the news and announcements in our social networks.