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How to create a project

Connecting to the Rightech IoT Cloud platform consists of three steps: connecting devices, creating templates and business logic, and integrating applications with the platform. You can manage business processes, run and stop the necessary scenarios, manage the process of interpreting scenarios with the events that your backend generates.

Step 1 — device connection

Device selection

First of all, you need to identify the devices that are best suited to realize your business idea.

Platform connection

Connect the devices directly, using a software agent, or using an IoT router. When connecting, specify the platform address and port in the equipment settings according to the device protocol.

Model creation

In the platform administration module, select the finished one or create your own virtual device model. Allocate devices to access groups and assign models to devices.

For devices that can’t send finished data, or if filtering or indirect measurements are required, configure the processing parameters in the device control module and start streaming processing. Now the platform receives and processes data from your devices, and you can proceed to Step 2.

Step 2 — creating templates and business-logic

Creating templates

In the logic editor interface, create a new template, add the logical states of the system, and the conditions for transitions between these states. Complete the template with actions and events from the models of your devices.

Adding templates to containers

Add a new container for the control object, upload the developed logic template and run the execution.

Now your devices implement business logic and execute commands. You can move on to the last step.

Step 3 — platform application integration

Configure API-user

In the administration module, add a user of type «API» and define access rights for it.

Application Connection

Connect the backend of your mobile applications or other systems via API to the platform.

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