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Digital staff

It helps minimize occupational injuries and improve working conditions at workplaces with dangerous production factors.

Effect of the implementation

In general, the effect of implementing the “digital staff” solution is difficult to underestimate. Access control in danger areas, monitoring the medical evidence of an employee, monitoring the availability of personal protective equipment – all this without the participation of support staff: security, medical personnel and technical safety specialists. On the one hand, we preserve the lives and health of our workers, and on the other, we reduce the resources that ensure their safety.

On the one hand, we preserve the lives and health of our workers, and on the other, we reduce the resources that ensure their safety.

The speed of decision-making is a key factor affecting the safety of people in case of any emergency. There are no competitors for computerized systems. The right decision will be made instantly. Besides, the “digital staff” can’t make mistakes when making decisions – this way we exclude the human factor.

Implemented case

In order to evaluate the solution on the real production we have implemented a pilot project on the territory of the Refinery «Gazpromneft», located in the harsh conditions of the north part of the country. The harsh working conditions were additional «test of strength» for our system.

Having made an analysis of market trends and customer requirements, our partners – company «Goodwin» – has developed a system of industrial radiocommunication with functions of monitoring of staff and occupational Safety and Health. The system is based on proprietary equipment and is manufactured in Russia.

Ten employees were selected for piloting, from whom we controlled the location, including in buildings by floors and in the street; gasoline and ambient temperature, alcohol in the exhaled air, control of slippage, Plus the beacons on personal protective equipment – says our specialist Sergey Ryzhov.

The Requisitioner’s Commission was fully satisfied and recognized the system as effective. The accuracy of the determination is very high, despite the fact that the project area is quite large. I would especially like to note that we spent less than a month on the implementation of this case, participating in a small force of five people, including partners.

Key features of Rightstaff

Besides, Rightstaff allows you to simultaneously solve additional tasks for the organization of production processes:

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