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Integrated monitoring

Rightech IoT Cloud is a universal platform on which we have created a unified system for collecting information from various objects, systems and sensors of any type. We called this solution “Infrastructure Monitoring”, it is designed to solve your problem of monitoring or protecting objects of any type — movable and immovable property.

Effect of the implementation

In general, the implementation of the “Infrastructure Monitoring” solution allows continuous monitoring 24/7 of any objects without human involvement.

Responding to an event, our technology allows you to instantly make a decision, perform a response action, notify responsible staff or plan the necessary activities.

In turn, for optimal assessment, reaction and organization of work, specialists can get the necessary set of parameters and signals from the monitoring object in a matter of seconds, wherever they are. In this way, the solution will help save resources on assessing the current state of the controlled object and significantly reduce the reaction time to important events.

Case №1: control of administrative facilities and equipment

The “Infrastructure Monitoring” solution, as a means of digital management and control of administrative facilities and equipment, represents an integrated hardware-software system. It allows you to remotely evaluate the level of snow and dust in the city. With the help of special electronic sensors, we can measure these indicators at stops, embankments and other objects of urban infrastructure.

The system interface allows not only to monitor the information collected on the screen, but also to generate a notification to the operator of the controlling organization. And if necessary, control a large group of objects – provides a color indication of its status.

The system would be incomplete if we had not added the ability to control cleaning equipment. It is possible to inform the operator about the current operating modes of the equipment – cleaning and transportation routes, axle loads, fuel level and other indicators are monitored and stored by the system for future use.

Case №2: production control

The “Infrastructure Monitoring” solution can also be applied in production, for example, to monitor the condition of industrial equipment. As one example, consider a system for monitoring the quality and quantity of a lubricant material. For such a system, special devices are built into the lubrication circuit inside the machines. They allow us not only to evaluate the quality and measure the level of lubrication, but also to automatically stop the equipment when it is lacking, and also to notify the monitoring staff.

The system also provides the ability to block the operation of equipment when the current temperature of lubricants is raised to a critical level. In this case, the equipment can continue to perform work only if the temperature drops to normal values.

Case №3: integrity control

Another system developed on the basis of the “Infrastructure Monitoring” solution, which can be useful for pipelene service companies – a system for monitoring the integrity of the pipeline. To achieve these goals, the system is supplemented by electronic equipment, which integrates with special sensors that evaluate the level of vibration of the pipe surface. Based on these data, the system determines three levels of impact on the pipe: cracking, tapping attempt, pipe rupture.

The system allows you to visualize the controlled areas on the map of the entire pipeline. If any event occurs on the site, its indicator will turn red, and the operator will receive a notification with details and the exact time of fixing the event. If other events in this section don’t occur, the indicator will return to its normal color only if the operator responds to the message by entering information about the inspection or repair of the pipe section.

At any time, you can study the history of events and the history of messages in a particular area.

What’s next?

The implementation of the solution allows enterprises to optimize resources, eliminate downtime and make operational decisions based on reliable data.

The modules included in the solution, such as an alert system, visualization and historical analysis, expand the boundaries of the use of the RIC cloud platform.

Further data collection, analysis and machine learning will provide reliable models of technological processes, which will create digital advisers and digital counterparts that can predict the course of events in advance.

Key features of integrated monitoring

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