+7 (499) 450-65-25

Power bank sharing

The RIC platform can help you permanently free an active person from the socket by providing an informational basis for power bank sharing. On its basis, you can organize a service that allows you to rent a source of energy to charge your mobile device in any of the public places nearby and return it to another one.

Effect of the implementation

The franchise service is interesting for our partners as an additional source of income, which allows them to get a new platform for advertising their main business. By that to attract an additional audience and get new clients.

The partner can choose equipment from different manufacturers – they are all supported by the system.

The service contains exhaustive information about the place where the service point is located. With the help of the service, the partner gets the opportunity to inform his customers about the schedule, ongoing promotions, changes and news.

Case №1: power bank sharing in Amsterdam

We tried to make the service interesting not only for the end-user, but also for our partners. In the future, it can be supplemented with the functions of organizing various partner programs — discounts for a cup of coffee or sitting next to the aquarium for rent and many others.

Consider a scenario of using the system. The user, using a mobile application, finds a location with charged banks (see figure 1). Powerbox gives information about the available slots, one of which will be open. After clicking the “Rent” button, the issuance procedure is started – this means that within a minute the user must inspect the device and remove it from charging. If everything is okay, he confirms the rental in the application and starts the timer.

Otherwise, the client returns the power bank and marks the slot defective, after which he will be provided with another slot with the bank.

The mobile application will help to indicate the cause of the problem by selecting template messages and the ability to attach a photo.

The bank can be returned after use in two ways: by performing a return procedure via the mobile application, or by pressing a button on a powerbox, if you are in a close proximity to this powerbox. Rent stops automatically when the power bank is set to charge and the slot is closed.

The rental price is 1 euro per hour, but not more than 4 euro per day. If the client leaves the bank to himself, then having accumulated a payment amount of 32 euros in daily payments, he pays the full cost of the device. Rent after this will be automatically interrupted.

We tried to make the service interesting not only for the end-user, but also for our partners. In the future, it can be supplemented with the functions of organizing various partner programs — discounts for a cup of coffee or sitting next to the aquarium for rent and many others.

Key solution features:

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