Interaction of multiple devices in a single automation scenario

In automata, it is possible to use multiple objects within a single scenario. That is, it is possible to organize the joint work of heterogeneous objects, that are connected to the platform. This allows for a broader view of the IoT world, because IoT is all about interaction between smart things.

In order to compose an automaton of the interaction between multiple devices, add to it the it with models of those objects between which the common logic will be configured. These can be objects with different models or the same ones.

When building an automaton, in selecting actions, events, and parameters to form the conditions you will be asked to choose one of the used models.

Once added, a number corresponding to the number of the selected model.

When forming transition conditions, you can include parameters of devices with different models and compare these parameters among themselves.

Just as in automata with a single model, in the case of multiple models you can send the current value of the parameters in the message text. In this case they are written as a construct

{{objects[n].state.id_of_parameter}}, where

  • n is the model number minus 1,
  • id_of_parameter - identifier of the parameter from the model.

For example, the contents of a notification can be generated as follows:

  "event": "currentstate",
  "temperature1": "{{objects[0].state.temperature}}",
  "temperature2": "{{objects[1].state.temperature}}",
  "speed": "{{objects[2].state.speed}}"

The message text will send the temperature value for objects with model 1 and 2 and the speed value for object with model 3.

After you design and save the automaton, on the Objects tab. add objects for each model.

Click Start, the automaton will run simultaneously on all selected objects.