Creating a device object

To create a new object, click the Objects tab. Add an object, by clicking on the plus sign. A form containing all the necessary configuration information about the new object will be generated. information about the new object.

Main sections:

  • Model

Select a previously created model from the drop-down list. Specifying a model for Specifying a model for an object defines a list of parameters, commands, events, and configuration data for the object. configuration data. By editing a model, you simultaneously customize all the objects that have this model selected.

  • Use as bot

A bot is an internal tool in the platform that allows you to emulate the operation of a of a device. It helps in prototyping IoT ideas without connecting real devices and for testing the performance of entities created on the platform. devices and for testing the performance of entities created on the platform. platform. Select Use as bot if you don't plan to connect a real device yet. to connect a real device. Detailed information about working with bots is described in the section Bot.

  • Identifier

Enter the object identifier by which the system will recognize the object in the future. the system will use to recognize the object.


Each object must have its own unique identifier, so if you have two devices, you must create a different object for each of them. you have two devices, you need to create a different object for each of them, using, for example, the same model if the devices are identical.

The object identifier is constructed differently for different protocols.


ClientId (opens in a new tab) - The identifier of the client the device is connecting to.

Minimum size is 5 characters,

Recommended size is up to 23 characters

Wialon IPS

wialon:<imei (opens in a new tab)>

The imei can be an IMEI, a unique controller ID, or the device serial number

Size of imei - not regulated


galileosky:<imei (opens in a new tab)>

The imei size is 15 characters


teltonika:<imei (opens in a new tab)>

Size of imei - not regulated


ntcb:<imei (opens in a new tab)>

The imei size is 15 characters


eui:<DevAddr (opens in a new tab)>
DevAddr is the address of the end device

The size of DevAddr is 8 bytes

Instead of a field named identifier, there will be a field DevEUI, and the eui: prefix will be substituted automatically


id is specified in the first request in UriPath as


Id size - not regulated

LwM2MUniqueEndpointName - IMEI or other unique ID of the device to be connected. device. The minimum size is 5 characterstest_lwm2m_client

id is specified in the first request in the UriPath as


Id size - not regulated

  • Name

The name of the object will be displayed in the objects interface and will allow you to distinguish one object from another.

  • Status

You can specify brief information in the status in the form of text or a link. Status You can manage the status via API and use it as an additional indication on the object (e.g. rented, free, broken, etc.). The status can be managed via API and used as an additional indication on the object (e.g. Leased, Free, Broken, etc.).

  • Description

In the description you can specify a detailed characteristic of the object.

Additional sections:

  • MQTT authentication (only if the MQTT model is selected)

To introduce additional protection of the created object from unauthorized access and connection to it on the platform. unauthorized access and connection to it on the platform, specify a login and a password. In this case, an attacker, knowing only the ID of your device, will not be able to connect to the object. If you later need to remove protection, erase the login and password and save it.

  • ws_auth (only if WebSocket model is selected)

Specifies a login and password similar to MQTT authentication. When connecting use HTTP Basic Authentication (opens in a new tab) and specify the header as

Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=''
  • Coordinates

You can select the initial coordinates of the object by entering them or by specifying a point on the map. on the map. If the object then sends its coordinates, the option to select the coordinates will no longer be available. coordinates option will no longer be available.


A hint about the protocol type and connection parameters is generated depending on the selected model. depending on the selected model.

If the model contains nodes with the Configuration type, the additional sections will also contain subsystems with all configuration parameters to be filling.

Click the Save button. Your new object will open in front of you. However, no data will be received from the device yet. The data will not be be sent or displayed until the equipment is configured to connect to the platform.

To configure different devices for connection, refer to the section Connecting a Device.